Vevey to Zurich

Vevey to Zurich – #1 Private Taxi Transport

Call us +41 78 836 27 08 and book your private taxi transfer from Vevey to Zurich to any place at a fair price 590 Swiss francs per car.

Vevey to Zurich distance is 204 kilometers and it takes approximately 2 h 15 min. Book #1 Private Taxi Transport from Vevey to Zurich. You can travel by train or car rental but the best and easiest option is to travel with us by private taxi transfer.

Transfer from your desired pick up place in Vevey to your desired drop off place in Zurich

Vehicle/ Car Persons Pick up Drop off Total price per vehicle in Swiss francs
Sedan/ Limousine 1, 2 or 3 Vevey Zurich 590
Minivan/ Van 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Vevey Zurich 590
Minibus 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Vevey Zurich 590
Driving time Total kilometers  
2 h 15 min  204
Additional Services
Ski transfers
Ski resort transportation
Business car service
Corporate travel service

The Best Option from Vevey to Zurich

If you search for the best option to get from Vevey to Zurich that is absolutly with our Zurich car service. You don’t need to figure out which bus or train you have to take. Doesn’t matter with what for public transportation you want to travel, that can be the bus or the train you will not find a door to door connection with any public transportation option. Book with us and we will pick you up wherever you want in Vevey to drive you safe and comfortable to Zurich to any place with one of our sedan, estate car, minivan or minibus. You can compare also our prices with the public transportation because if you travel with a group up to 7 or 8 people than you have definitly to think about calling us. Switzerland Car Service transfer from Vevey to Zurich can be sometimes cheaper than the public transportation option. Call us now or send us a WhatsApp message and request your private transfer from Vevey to Zurich right now.

Hotel to Hotel Taxi Transfer from Vevey to Zurich

You stay in Vevey and you need a private transfer from Vevey to Zurich from one hotel to another hotel, that is one of our most booked taxi services. People book their transfers during their stay in Switzerland with us in advance. It’s a really comfortable thing because you can order all your transfers in advance, provide us with the approximately pick up time and you don’t have to think about your transportation needs during your stay in Switzerland. You will get our business phone nr. and a contact person and you can change your pick up time and pick up location 24 hours before the confirmed pick up time without to pay extra. One of the most booked taxi transfers is from Vevey to Zurich and you can choose really any pick up and drop off location and the price remains unchanged.

Options from Vevey to Zurich

There are a few options to travel from Vevey to Zurich, one of the options is to take the train which is of course the cheapest way but definitely not the most comfortable. If you travel with lots of luggage you have to carry the luggage from your hotel or apartment to the train station and if you have to change the train because it’s not a direct train to your final destination in Zurich it’s not really comfortable with lots of luggage. The other option is to travel by car rental from Vevey to Zurich but this option take time and you have to drive yourself and is it really what you want in your holidays to care about things which is not a must. With rental car you have to find first a rent a car company in Vevey and next step is to figure out how you get from Vevey to Zurich, ok, you arrive in Zurich but the car drives not self to the next rent a car store. You see you will lose time and if you count all together it wouldn’t be much more expensive than with the best option and that is to book your private taxi transportation with us. With Switzerland Car Service you make a call or you can send us a WhatsApp message too and you will have much more time for other things in your holidays because we pick you up wherever you want and drop you off wherever you want that means you don’t need to think about your luggage, and how to get from Vevey to Zurich.

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